Board Members/Meetings and Procedures
3 days ago
Ashley Snyder
Green River, Wy
Board Chair
Term Started: 2-15-22
Term Expires: 12-31-25
Tommy Thoman
Green River, Wy
Vice Chair
Term Started: 1-21-2025
Term Expires: 1-21-2029
Clay Jarvie
Rock Springs, Wy
Member At-Large
Term Started: 9-20-22
Term Expires: 12-31-25
Jessica Anson
Rock Springs, Wy
Rock Springs Parent Representative
Term Started: 9-20-22
Term Expires: 12-31-2025
Emily Gomez
Green River, Wy
Member At-Large
Term Started: 6-18-24
Term Expires: 6-18-28
Marcia Volner
Rock Springs, Wy
Member At-Large
Term Started: 9-17-24
Term Expires: 9-17-28
Board Meeting Information
The Board of Directors meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6 pm (No July or December meeting)
Board meeting locations rotate every other month between the two SCCDC locations:
Rock Springs 4509 Foothill Blvd
Green River 1715 Hitching Post Dr.
Occasionally meetings are rescheduled, or special board meetings are scheduled in addition to the regular monthly board meetings due to special circumstances.
Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings for FY 2025
July, 2024, No Meeting
August 20, 2024, Green River, Wyoming
September 17, 2024, Rock Springs, Wyoming
October 15, 2024, Green River, Wyoming
November 19, 2024, Rock Springs, Wyoming
December, 2024, No Board Meeting
January 21, 2025, Green River, Wyoming
February 18, 2025, Rock Springs, Wyoming
March 25, 2025, Green River, Wyoming
April 15, 2025, Rock Springs, Wyoming
May 20, 2025, Green River, Wyoming
June 17, 2025, Rock Springs, Wyoming
Procedures for the SCCDC Board Meetings
According to the SCCDC bylaws, “The Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the conduct of business in all such cases in which they are applicable and not in conflict with the Constitution (September 7, 1979) or the bylaws (adopted 8/18/20). When a board member, staff member, or member of the community addresses the board, they should only address the board chairman and should ask permission by saying “Mister or Madam Chairman, may I make a comment or ask a question?” The board chairman will then decide to recognize that person and let them address the board as a whole.
The staff and public may address the Board at their regular meetings during the time on the agenda entitled “Public Comment.” Each individual will have three (3) minutes each or five (5) minutes for a group spokesperson. The staff and public can only discuss program topics. It is not appropriate to discuss personnel issues or individual employees/board members during board meetings. Personnel issues should be followed through the chain of command and end with the Executive Director (per policy).
Board Members will hear comments, but shall not enter into discussion on matters not on the agenda. The staff and public may direct their questions only to the board as a whole. An individual board member can ask clarifying questions if needed. Staff should follow the chain of command for information first, before coming to the board.
If a person has a complaint about the Executive Director, then that person should submit it in writing to the board chairman (as stated in policy). The board chairman will then share that complaint with the Executive Director and discuss the situation and form a plan of action, if needed (as stated in policy). The board chairman can then inform the entire board of the conversation and any resolution.
Individuals addressing the Board shall not make any slanderous comments regarding any individual, or they may be held personally liable for such statements. Any speaker who engages in defamatory or abusive remarks may be cut off in mid-address by the Board Chairman.
Staff members are reminded to follow the policies and the chain of command to address issues before they come to the Board (as stated in policy).